Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fortunate vs Unfortunate

My hard disk crashed, totally damaged. This is real sick.

Fortunately it is still under warranty. Unfortunately it takes too much time to be replaced.

Fortunately not more than a month to wait. Unfortunately I lost all my data.

Fortunately I got backup. Unfortunately the last one was about three months ago.

Fortunately I can get back all my PHP applications. Unfortunately not the latest one.

Fortunately I can get back my MySQL data, too. Unfortunately not the latest one, too.

Fortunately I can set back my work after the new one arrived. Unfortunately I didn't backup all my software as they eat lots of disk space.

OMG, I don't know what to do, where to start, how to complete. It's real hard.

What do you think when fortunate vs unfortunate. Which one wins?


Anonymous said...

I think there must be balancing between them

Anonymous said...

I think you are fortunate (blessed). You could have lost a leg or your housing. A hard drive is easily replaced.

Anonymous said...


ImamKhalid said...

Hey, how do you find my blog here life4hire?

Anonymous said...

So you are alive eh?
I thought you had disappeared or something :)

ImamKhalid said...

I'm still alive, nukeit? I just being a bit busy lately. I'll post something soon. Thanks for your concern. ;)

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. Something like that happened to me once. It really sucks, so I empathize with you. At least you have a backup. I say recover what you can, head to the Pirate Bay for your lost apps, (Its not illegal if you paid for them already) and use this as a chance for some "spring cleaning" of your hard drive. Oh, and I'm pretty sure you're never going to ignore your backups again.

ImamKhalid said...

Alex, thanks for your understanding. You're right, I won't take it for granted anymore.

It's a "wicked" spring cleaning though... :P

Anonymous said...

I think you are fortunate. You could have lost much more. Think positive! You are able to replace most of your data, and the rest you'll have to do again....but that's not so bad. You know how to do it.

ImamKhalid said...

That's what I meant. Thank God for giving me the fortunate behind the unfortunate.